Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ask a Coach: Toward vs. Towards

Ask a Coach

By Allison Millward, WRMC

Q: I'm confused about usage: which version of this preposition is correct, towards or toward?
                                                                             - Pondering Prepositions in Chantilly, VA

A: This is a good question about prepositions, usage, and--of course--style! The direct answer is this: check your style guide. Some style guides contend there is a distinct difference between the two words and some do not have a preference. Because we use APA style here at VIU, we will use the rules provided by the APA Publications Manual, 6th Edition (2010), which tells us to use the first spelling of the word in the dictionary, preferably Merriam and Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (2005):

"If the dictonary gives a choice, use the first spelling listed; for example, use aging and canceled rather than ageing and cancelled" (p. 96).

With this rule in mind, we will always use toward without an s.

Examples: She is working toward her degree in Spanish.
                He ran toward the light.

Do you have a question about writing? Visit our website and complete the "Ask a Coach" form. All submissions are confidential unless submitters allow us to use their questions on our blog.

Monday, August 25, 2014



To start or begin
 The new semester commences at 8 o'clock am today.

Can you use commence in a sentence? Submit a sentence using commence and we'll post it on this blog!

      Use our "APA Style Guide" to help you craft your sentence!

Check out our website:
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Follow us on Twitter: WRMCatVIU

The WRMC is Open!

The WRMC is Open!

Returning students, welcome back to VIU! We hope you had a fantastic summer and look forward to hearing about your adventures/travels when we see you around campus!

New students, welcome to VIU! We hope you safely arrived and look forward to meeting you this fall!

The WRMC had a successful summer. Along with creating new resources on our website for students, we found a new home in the Commonwealth (CW) building. Our office doesn't have a number, but it is next to the staff lounge and across from CW 5.  Stop by and visit!

If you are an online student and can't visit us in person, please feel free to check us out online. In fact, all students should take a look at our website for resources and information:

Have a great fall semester. We hope to see you in class, on campus, and around the town :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Imminent (adj) [more imminent; most imminent]
 :happening very soon 

      Can you use imminent in a sentence? Submit a sentence using imminent and we'll post it on this blog!

      Use our "APA Style Guide" to help you craft your sentence!

Check out our website:
Make an appointment:
Follow us on Twitter: WRMCatVIU