Friday, February 27, 2015

Word of the Day: Pedantic

Word of the Day:Pedantic

Pedantic (adjective): "Unimaginative, dull" ("Pedantic", 2015, para.3).

Examples: From Hendrik Hertzberger, The New Yorker (as cited in Webster's Dictionary, 2015):

  1. It may seem pedantic to harp on what looks like mere procedure, but this is one case where the process is the forest.

Can you use pedantic in a sentence? Send us your sentence using pedantic and we will post it on our blog!

Want to learn more about sentence structure? Check out our page called "The APA Cheat Sheet."

Pedantic. (2015). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary (11th ed.). Retrieved from

Friday, February 13, 2015

Thursday Workshops in February

The WRMC has been hosting extra workshops this semester so that VIU students can acquaint themselves with academic and professional writing. We were so proud to host Ms. Aziza Mirkhanova as our guest speaker for yesterday's workshop, E-mail Etiquette. Next Thursday, we will be hosting Dr. Jillian Wendt as she presents her workshop, Avoiding Plagiarism with Turnitin. This workshop is intended for students who may not be familiar with plagiarism rules or with Turnitin, the computer program VIU uses to track unoriginal work in students' papers.

WRMC workshops are every Tuesday and select Thursdays from 11:30am-12:30pm. They are held in the Student Center Conference Room. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Word of the Day: Solipsistic

Word of the Day: Solipsistic

Solipsistic (adjective): "Extreme self-importance" ("Solipsistic", 2015, para.3).

His solipsistic attitude lead him to put his speech first on the conference agenda because he thought it was only one worth hearing.

Can you use solipsistic in a sentence? Send us your sentence using solipsistic and we will post it on our blog!

Want to learn more about sentence structure? Check out our page called "The APA Cheat Sheet."

Solipsistic. (2015). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary (11th ed.). Retrieved from


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Word of the Day: Pragmatic

Word of the Day:Pragmatic

Pragmatic (adjective): "dealing with the problems that exist in a specific situation in a reasonable and logical way instead of depending on ideas and theories" ("Pragmatic", 2015, para.1).

He was a man who didn't like responses that were set in passion or were too whimsical. Rather, he always respected those who gave pragmatic answers.

Can you use pragmatic in a sentence? Send us your sentence using pragmatic and we will post it on our blog!

Want to learn more about sentence structure? Check out our page called "The APA Cheat Sheet."

Pragmatic. (2015). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary (11th ed.). Retrieved from