Tuesday, November 25, 2014

WRMC Folklore, Rumors, and Myths Part II: Faculty Support

Myth: The WRMC only helps students.

Okay, we may not be able to catch you up with all your work,   but we can help with writing!

Fact: Not so! We love supporting faculty and staff, too.

Okay, so this myth isn't actually anything I've heard around on campus--yet.  I think the lack of conversation about how the WRMC helps faculty and staff makes me want to confirm that we definitely have services for them. In fact, this post  is more of a reminder to faculty and staff that the WRMC can assist them with services similar to those that we provide students. We are also happy to work with faculty to address writing across the curriculum and writing within their classrooms. This past October, the WRMC hosted a workshop on writing across the curriculum. Faculty gathered to discuss what they want and need to do to build a community of strong writers at VIU and beyond.

Faculty and staff may also attend any of our workshops and brownbag lunches, which are  geared toward the VIU community as a whole. Need to brush up on APA? We have a workshop for that. Are you writing an article and need to remember the steps to writing a strong thesis? We will have a brownbag for that. Want to know the rules of a semi-colon? We will have a brownbag for that, too! If faculty and staff are learning what the students are learning, then we all can approach writing in a common way.

Be sure to check out our e-mails that we send at the beginning of each semester that detail our services and schedules.

If faculty would like to request a consultation to discuss writing in the classroom, please contacting me using our online form. Faculty can always arrange for a member of the WRMC to visit their classrooms by filling out our classroom visit form. We will meet prior to the in-class visit to discuss writing issues in that particular class. Then, I will visit within a week or two of that meeting.

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