Thursday, October 22, 2015

Looking for a few, good student writers (volunteer opportunity!)

Image result for pen and quillThe Writing, Research, and Media Center (WRMC) at VIU would like to invite students to write guest blogs about the importance of writing in their majors, careers, or just lives in general for its website ( The Center is looking to update posts every few weeks or once a month, so multiple contributors are welcome. Writers would get the by-line, and it'd be a nice attribute to put on their resumes in terms of writing abilities. The Center is seeking writers who'd like to write between 200-300 words on the importance of writing. The writers may be graduate or undergraduate in any major or ESL program. Interested students may contact the Writing, Research, and Media Center at for more information.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

First look: Fall 2015 Student Research Showcase!

That’s right, it’s back! 

The Writing, Research, and Media Center is proud to announce that it is once again hosting the Research/Final Paper Showcase for the Fall 2015 semester. The showcase invites students to create posters that explain an important paper or piece of research the student wrote in the past semester and present them at the showcase. Students do not have to give a speech or presentation; rather they stand by their posters so spectators have questions about the students’ projects. This is a great way to be involved in the VIU community, celebrate your hard work, and practice for possible conferences in graduate school!

The Research/Final Paper Showcase will be Tuesday, December 1st from 6PM-8PM in the Library Student Room. If you are interested in making a poster to showcase, please register by Friday, November 20th at 5:00PM.

For more information, please e-mail 
or visit the showcase's website: 

Examples of a poster session:

From University of North Dakota

From College of the Mines

Image result for poster sessions
From: Wikipedia

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

That's Right, We Have Writing Center Hours in Pender!

That's Right, We Have Writing Center Hours in Pender!

      Welcome back to an exciting new school year! The WRMC has been working hard to expand and provide the students with quality writing services and instruction. One way we're doing this is to make sure we are accessible to all students! In that respect, while VIU is transitioning from our 3-building campus on Waples Mill Road to our new building on Village Drive, the WRMC will be offering hours at both campuses to accommodate our Pender students!

For the immediate future, the WRMC will have these hours at the Village Drive campus:

Tuesday: 8:30AM-2:30PM
Thursday: 8:30AM-2:00PM
Friday: NOON-6PM 

The WRMC will have hours at Pender these following times:

Thursday: 2:30PM-4:30PM

Where is The WRMC Located at These Campuses? 
        The WRMC is located on the second floor in the Village Drive Building. It is where the offices are, so if you see the classrooms, you've gone the wrong way! Exit the elevator or the staircase on the second floor and go through the door that is right across the hall (next the library). When you walk through that door, you will notice that the WRMC is the 3rd door to your right.
         The Pender office is where the old School of Business used to be! If go to the front desk at Pender, you will notice two hallways. Go down the hallways to your left. At the end of that hallway is an open space. We are the first door you will see as you walk down the open space (see the picture below).

Friday, July 31, 2015

Peer Review is back!

On August 5th, 2015, the WRMC will be holding peer review groups. Peer review is a great way to meet people with different perspectives who can help enrich your project, paper,and/or research. The WRMC will form peer review group, teach students how to peer review, then give students an opportunity to peer review each others' papers.

Image result for group work

How will peer review work? Students can contact the WRMC  at by August 3rd  to be asked to be placed in a peer review group. They should attach their papers, or parts of the papers, in the e-mail, and the rest of the group will be given the paper to read and review. Then they will all meet on August 5th for a corrective feedback session lead by the WRMC coach. 

Please also tell us the following in your e-mail:
What class are you writing the paper for?
Did your professor give specific instructions? 
When is your paper due (optional)?

What can I submit for peer review? Any written work, complete or incomplete: papers, assignments, summaries, theses, projects. As long as it is not an exam, you may submit it!

Friday, May 1, 2015

May Workshops

May Workshops

Summers can get pretty quiet around VIU, but new students, do not despair! There still are plenty of things going on, from Healthcare Week, to  the Career Center's Ice Cream Social and Orientation, the campus is still alive and kicking! The WRMC even has a few activities, too, to help prepare you for your time at VIU.

Every other week, the WRMC will host workshops on different topics that will help you become a stronger writer and standout in your classes. We will be holding APA workshops in May, so new students can avoid plagiarism and learn how to respectfully use some one else's work. These workshops are free and you do not need to RSVP.   Below are the workshop times and dates for May, and we will have more to come.We hope to see you there!

May 7th (THURSDAY) 11:30am- 12:05PM 

APA Basics 
This week, the WRMC writing coach will give students a step-by-step overview of the APA style of writing and why we use it at VIU. Students will also learn basic writing tips for using APA style in their papers and assignments and a proper APA layout for research papers.

May 20th (WEDNESDAY) 11:30am-12:30pm 

APA Formatting  
This workshop is intended to help students understand how to format their papers as per APA style guidelines. Students will understand how to set up APA, headers, levels, titles, and sections.