Friday, July 31, 2015

Peer Review is back!

On August 5th, 2015, the WRMC will be holding peer review groups. Peer review is a great way to meet people with different perspectives who can help enrich your project, paper,and/or research. The WRMC will form peer review group, teach students how to peer review, then give students an opportunity to peer review each others' papers.

Image result for group work

How will peer review work? Students can contact the WRMC  at by August 3rd  to be asked to be placed in a peer review group. They should attach their papers, or parts of the papers, in the e-mail, and the rest of the group will be given the paper to read and review. Then they will all meet on August 5th for a corrective feedback session lead by the WRMC coach. 

Please also tell us the following in your e-mail:
What class are you writing the paper for?
Did your professor give specific instructions? 
When is your paper due (optional)?

What can I submit for peer review? Any written work, complete or incomplete: papers, assignments, summaries, theses, projects. As long as it is not an exam, you may submit it!

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